Oahu Scuba- Oahu Scuba Diving Hawaii ! Dive Oahu Honolulu, discover scuba with us, shipwreck scuba diving, Hawaii scuba, beginner diving, first time scuba diving Oahu advanced, certification courses and referrals. Scuba dive in Oahu - Waikiki Honolulu Diving ! Going diving just got easier !
Ok everyone asks about cave diving in Hawaii- mainly scuba divers in Oahu. Along the east side of Oahu, past Spitting Caves outside of the Portlock area and just west of Hanauma Bay you will find a stellar cave with plenty of area to penetrate. Imagine being down not too deep, only 40-55 feet and experiencing a real advanced dive into a remarkable cave. This is the one for you- Sea Cave of Oahu. Don't get confused, this area is not lava tube Hawaii diving but a huge natural cave with an incredible opening up above the back of the cave where sunlight penetrates. When arriving on this dive location the first thing you will notice is this huge wall with wind like scares, reminiscent of Sonora Desert in Arizona. On rough days I would not recommend doing this particular scuba dive in Oahu. You don't want to get beat up in this cave. Although very tame looking this dive location of Oahu can be tricky. If your diving skills are not up to speed, please skip this dive. If Sea Cave is too rough to penetrate then you can always just do the outside wall area and turn this dive into a drift dive. (Don't forget the dive sausage or surface marker buoy.)
This cave is made from years of consistent ocean pounding, with huge boulders that once flew out of Mt. Koko
Head when she was erupting. You will notice these humongous boulders
scattered around the entrance and smaller boulders inside the cave.
Seeing the boulders outside the Sea Cave you can only imagine the scope of power these volcanoes once had. The entrance to the Sea Cave is about 20 feet high and 35 feet across.
The main entrance you should be at around 45 feet. Once inside the cave you can actually go a little deeper, the cave sinks in another 15 feet with those huge scatter boulders everywhere. The low sound of the ocean above is well heard and looking around you will will most likely see Hawaiian green sea turtles relaxing. Inside the Sea Cave continue to head to the back and soon
you will notice light emitting from the surface. This is because there is a natural hole maybe 40 feet in diameter above with direct sunlight beaming down. Like they say, don't go towards the light, it isn't your time yet.
This is the same case here. Innocently going up to the light or the
surface of this area is very dangerous. It reminds me of a washing
machine, very rough. But really, stay low don't go up there.
Swells pound the inside here. Even if it looks safe, trust us do not surface- swells roll in unannounced. Actually we recommend to stay at least 25 feet below the surface at this point. White water from above can cut visibility from 100 feet to none is a few seconds. A heart stopper if you are not ready for it-
especially when you lose your buddy for a minute. This dive is best
with small groups say under 5. Carrying a flashlight is a good idea
but not a must. The marine life is abundant, most likely turtles,
eels, rays and the occasion sharks will make their presence. Outside
of the cave's main entrance is a cool wall of jagged rocks and lava
formations. Go either left or right, well the current will dictate
this so enjoy the ride. Try staying around 40-50 feet on this wall
dive part of the Sea Cave Hawaii location for maximum bottom times.
Since this dive can double as a drift dive sit back cruise!
Oahu scuba diving in Hawaii with drift dives, cave diving and shipwreck dives
Oahu Diving. 808-721-4210 or request information using our contact
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